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Marijuana Overdose

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Marijuana is very popular as the drug that makes you experience the “high” sensation. A lot of people consume marijuana due to the pleasant effects they go through. Even though the drug is legal in many states, not everyone is aware of the risks involved with marijuana consumption.

Arguments between weed supporters and those who are against it never end. Pro-marijuana individuals will try to argue how safe the drug is and bring up its perceived health benefits to somehow prove that the drug is not dangerous. Meanwhile, others still believe that marijuana’s use should be more restricted, and they disagree with its legalization in so many states.

When consumed in large quantities, even marijuana can lead to an overdose, which can be quite unpleasant and risky. Recognizing overdose signs is important in solving the problem.

What Is Marijuana?

Marijuana, also known as weed, is a drug derived from the cannabis plant. It is one of the most widely used drugs, especially in the U.S. It comes as a dried mixture that people can use by smoking, eating, or drinking. The drug is a psychoactive one that has around 500 chemicals. THC is one of them.

People who consume marijuana usually do it by smoking it, either by hand-rolling it in cigarettes or using it in vaporizers, pipes, water pipes, and blunts. Others think it is better to brew it as a tea or add it to food like candy, cookies, brownies, and many other things.

Smoking marijuana is the fastest way to get the desired effects from it, which is why most people use this consumption method. By smoking the drug, THC can get into the bloodstream much faster, and reach the brain for the wanted effects.

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Weed Addiction

While many marijuana supporters will claim that the drug is not addictive, the reality is different. If someone keeps using the drug, the chances are that they will develop an addiction.

According to research, 1 in 10 adults who use weed can become addicted to it. Meanwhile, 1 in 6 people who start consuming marijuana before reaching 18 years old will spark an addiction.

Marijuana had always contained THC, but today, the concentration of THC is three times higher compared to how it was 25 years ago. So, the effect on the brain will be much stronger, and because of this, it is more likely to start being addicted to the substance.

Marijuana Overdose

People think that overdosing on marijuana is not possible. However, when the drug is consumed in very high amounts, an overdose can happen. It is not very likely to just overdose on marijuana alone, though.

An overdose can be extremely uncomfortable and may even be dangerous, but when it comes to marijuana, overdoses will most likely not be fatal. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse and other sources, no weed overdose deaths occurred so far.

The low death risk does not mean that a marijuana overdose should not be treated, though. Understanding how it can affect an individual is crucial, as it may allow them to get the help they need.

Risk of Prolonged Cannibis Use

When individuals use marijuana for a very long time, they will end up experiencing its long-term effects.

For instance, marijuana is linked with decreased brain and mental health. IQ loss may occur because of weed consumption, and you will not get it back even after ceasing the consumption. What’s more, the drug can result in anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, and psychotic episodes.

Using marijuana can also affect someone’s reactions by making them slower, which can affect their driving, for example. This can put them and other traffic participants at risk. Athletic performance is also negatively affected by marijuana use. For teenagers specifically, it’s important to get help for their addiction problem before it leads to other drugs.

Marijuana Addict overdosing

Symptoms of A Marijuana Overdose

When someone overdosed on marijuana, they will show some symptoms, such as:

  • Panic attack
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Having a hard time conversing
  • High anxiety levels
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Bad coordination
  • Low or high blood pressure
  • Severe confusion and memory issues
  • Hallucinations
  • Paranoia

Dizziness, lethargy, anxiety, nausea, and paranoia are usually symptoms that will show up in a milder weed overdose. Also, an overdose is more likely to happen by consuming marijuana in edibles rather than by smoking it. That’s because it is harder to figure out the exact dosage with edibles.

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Preventing An Overdose

Despite its euphoric effects, it’s important to understand that too much marijuana can still be dangerous. It can lead to an overdose; therefore, it is essential to prevent such a scenario. By taking some preventive measures, you may be able to stay away from a weed overdose. Here are some things you can do:

  • Stay hydrated
  • Decrease the amount of marijuana consumed
  • Abstain from consuming marijuana altogether
  • Switch places, people, and friends who may tempt you to use marijuana
  • Be aware of the extra chemicals contained by marijuana
  • Know how dangerous it may be to combine marijuana and alcohol or other drugs
  • Realize when a period of abstinence decreased your tolerance
  • Know the health conditions that may become worse when consuming marijuana
  • Reach out to professionals when dealing with a marijuana addiction

Treating a Marijuana Overdose

It’s important to treat a marijuana overdose to handle the uncomfortable effects that may arise. Usually, there may be symptoms like paranoia or psychosis occurring, and helping the affected person relax is crucial.

If the individual is addicted to the drug, they may have to start inpatient treatment to put an end to their addiction. People who are not in such bad shape can start outpatient therapy, which takes a shorter amount of time.

Hospitalization may be necessary when an overdose occurs and brings psychosis and paranoia along. The patient may later get cognitive behavioral therapy to find better ways to cope with their thoughts, and they may even go through holistic therapy to avoid emotional, physical, or spiritual wellness imbalances, treating potential causes for marijuana use.

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How Real Deal Helps You

If you join the Real Deal program, you can meet new people and relax in a peaceful facility where no temptations will be around. You will have the time to relax after going through an overdose and addiction treatment and even learn some new skills to help you in the future.

The sober living program focuses on the patient’s well-being, helping treat not only the addiction but also the issues that may have led to it. 

Reach out to a professional right now if you experience any marijuana overdose symptoms. Otherwise, you may not be able to handle them by yourself.

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