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Addiction Help

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Addiction is often challenging to deal with. If the addiction is strong, giving up on your own can be very difficult. In these cases, professional help is often required. In order to get help, you need to learn as much about addiction as you possibly can. Determine the source of your addiction and begin your journey to get better.

What is Addiction?

Addiction is a relatively complicated condition where individual finds themselves in an inability to stop consuming a certain substance. The urge to consume or engage in a certain activity is like a compulsion, one that someone cannot refrain from.

Addiction can take many forms. It can go from nicotine and alcohol addiction to cocaine and heroin addiction. Some individuals develop addictions of behavioral nature – for example, porn addiction. With addictions, the users engage in the activity so often that it is beginning to disrupt their daily lives.

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Signs of Addiction

Addictions have certain signs that you might want to keep an eye on. Whether it is you or a loved one, when most of these symptoms are ticked, it usually means that it is time for you to get help.

Psychological Symptoms:

The following signs are deemed as psychological symptoms:

  • Increased temper
  • Mood swings
  • Paranoia
  • Tiredness
  • Agitation
  • Defensiveness
  • Inability to concentrate or focus
  • Poor judgment
  • Feelings of stress, anxiety, or depression
  • Lowered self-esteem

Behavioral and Social Symptoms:

Addiction also has some behavioral and social signs that you might want to be aware of. These signs can include:

  • Dishonest and secretive behavior
  • Withdrawing from socializing and responsibilities
  • Poor performance at work or at school
  • Losing interest in a variety of activities that used to be important to you
  • Continuing to abuse the substance, even if it has become clear that it’s actually doing harm and leads to negative consequences
  • Trying to quit the misuse of that substance or behavior, and continuously failing

Physical Symptoms:

Last but not least, certain physical symptoms (not including withdrawals) are also associated with addiction:

  • Little concern for personal hygiene and physical appearance
  • Disrupted sleeping patterns, such as insomnia
  • Memory problems

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How To Know You Need Help For Addiction

If the addiction is small and manageable, there is a chance that you will not need help in dealing with it. However, in severe cases, there are some signs that will tell you help is needed:

1. Consumption is A Priority

One of the main signs that you need rehab is that the substance you are using has become a priority. It takes up all of your time throughout the day, and you end up spending a significant amount of effort on it. For example, if you have a problem with alcohol addiction, you will spend a lot of money on it even if you know you will have financial problems afterward. You will also prioritize it over other activities that you previously considered important.

2. Your Health is Declining

Addiction is often associated with a myriad of other issues. For instance, nicotine addiction can lead to lung problems whereas alcoholism may heavily affect the liver. If you start noticing that your body is affected by the substance, yet you still cannot bring yourself to stop using it, then you certainly need help with your addiction.

3. You Have a Higher Tolerance

When you initially start taking a substance, you do so in small amounts. One or two beers a day, or perhaps a couple of cigarettes. However, when you start downing a bottle of scotch every day or smoke two to three packs a day, that’s when you may start being concerned. When you reach that stage, you can no longer really cut your addiction by yourself; you most likely need help to do it.

4. You Tried to Quit Yourself But Failed

Many people try to quit their addiction when they notice they have a problem, using the “cold turkey” method. In some cases, gradually quitting or stopping by yourself is good – if you have the will to support yourself. However, when the addiction has been long withstanding, it can be rather difficult to quit by yourself. In these circumstances, you will very likely need help with your addiction.

Helping hands of addiction

Reaching Out For Help

Many people with an addiction refrain from reaching out for help. They are afraid of being judged by the world – afraid of being seen as weak. They believe that if they lock themselves in a room until the withdrawal symptoms go away, they are cured. This is hardly the case, especially if you have been battling the addiction for a long time.

By getting professional help, not only will you be able to get over the withdrawal symptoms and stop using the substance, but you’ll also be able to STAY off the substance. Help can ensure you keep on the right path so that you do not go through a relapse.

Plus, rehab facilities can help you manage the withdrawal more efficiently. Constant surveillance will ensure you don’t start using again, and potential medication will make the symptoms easier.

Will I Need Help Forever?

Addictions get better with time. In a couple of months, the cravings will already begin to subside. As long as you have a willpower strong enough to stay away from the source of your addiction, the chances are high that you will not need help in the long run.

With that in mind, strong addictions may have a long recovery time. In these circumstances, you might want to schedule regular therapy sessions. Even after you have recovered, you should go to therapy regularly if you are continuously exposed to the contaminants.

How Real Deal Can Help With Your Addiction

Real Deal has the right methods to help you with your addiction. Whether you need to be admitted or require therapy to keep yourself off the substance, we can offer the treatment that you need. Reach out to us and start your journey to quit your addiction.

We’ll be here for you to provide the appropriate treatment and support based on your personal journey.

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