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Depression can be exhausting, life threatening and extremely difficult to combat. When we are in the grips of depression, it seems there is no way out. However, with the proper plan of action, anything is possible. 

A truly sad photo describing depression well

Signs Of Depression

1. General Hopelessness 

If we are in a constant state of hopelessness, we may be depressed. This feeling is like nothing has value. Nothing we do seems to be of importance. Nothing sounds good. This is a terrifying place to be. 

2. Irritability 

There’s nothing like quick anger to describe someone who is clinically depressed. When our fuse is smaller and little things set us off, we may have a bigger problem. When we attack others for relatively small problems, we may be depressed. 

3. Fatigue 

Feeling tired constantly is not good. Regardless of the sleep we may get, people with severe depression will feel extremely tired. It feels as though we never get enough shut eye. We are constantly dragging around day by day, looking for a way out. This is specially the case with workplace depression.

4. Isolation

Developing isolation is a true testament to the power of depression. When we are once social, always excited to connect with people, and that immediately turns to an unappealing process, we may have the culprit of depression to blame.

5. Appetite 

We tend to be generally miserable when depressed, but appetite also loses it’s flavor. We cannot find joy in most things, and food is not an exception. When depressed it’s nearly impossible to find eating and making meals appealing. 

Depression Described by Real People

Below are true examples from real people who described depression to us confidentially. Their last names have been hidden for protection.

“Like weak. Can’t get enough sleep. Even if I was sleeping, I always felt tired. Sluggish. No desire to interact. Loss of appetite. Complete isolation.”

-Lex V.

“I felt lonely. I felt like I wanted to die. I like wasn’t even motivated any more. I didn’t care about anything or anyone. I couldn’t.”

-Ericka M.

“Depression is sometimes hard to identify and even harder to admit. It manifests in different ways. For me, exhaustion just sort of took over. I felt physically and mentally drained all of the time. I never wanted to get out of bed, much less leave my apartment. Everything I loved before seemed dull all of a sudden. Something as small as a phone call from someone felt like a chore. Because it forced me to communicate with others.”

– Shelly T.

“Depression was something that was always just there. It seemed like I would wake up and feel a pit of despair deep inside of me. It is really difficult to explain to people who don’t understand. It is almost like something really bad happened. And i’m mad at everyone and everything. And nothing feels or sounds good.”

-Dan H.

How to Beat Depression?

Depression is a very real mental disorder. Sometimes depression cannot be conquered without medication. We are not claiming to have the cure, that we are spiritual shamans, or have some special anti sadness magic. However, we have seen countless individuals with depression learn to live a happy life. Below are some pretty obvious correlating behaviors in those that beat depression. 

Many of us who are depressed lack motivation and drive. We find ourselves isolated, miserable and hopeless. However, when we are able to find something productive to do, we leave the place where all the misery originates: the mind. Obviously, this is easier said than done. But, without action, we are left in misery. So, step one in getting out of depression is finding productive things to do. But, where to start?

Join a Group

Getting out of our comfort zones is key to growth. Especially when we revert to isolation. So, find a club to join. Meet-up has about a million clubs to search. Find a hobby you are passionate about and pursue it endlessly. 

If we don’t look for things to do and people to meet, we will stay in the grips of depression. It is as simple as this: if we continue to isolate we will not get better. We must get out of ourselves. 

Hands in group


Exercise is not appealing to some of us. Especially those of us who are deep in depression, where nothing sounds good. And definitely not getting sweaty at a gym with others. But, exercise can work miracles.

Not only do we get to see the benefits of exercise physically, we also feel better internally. When we are constantly active we find another hobby, purpose and something that builds our confidence. What’s the worst that can happen? We unfortunately get into shape and meet other in shape people?



While picking up and going out of the country may not be available to the majority of us, we can always explore. That means we can get out of our homes and try to explore the world. Whether that’s going on walks around the block, finding new eateries or finding cool scene places, there’s always more to find.

In dealing with depression we must find an avenue outside of our mind. The best way to do this is simply to go. Don’t even plan. Just go outside and figure out what’s going on around you. 

Traveling requires packing

Real People Who Beat Depression

Name: Shelby A.

Q. How did you beat depression?

A. “Honestly, Jasper (Shelby’s Dog). Having a living thing depending on me and giving me affection when I felt like I didn’t deserve it changed my perspective. I couldn’t just stay in bed anymore because he needed to be fed, walked, bathed etc.. And taking him outside frequently encouraged me to be more active and that definitely boosted my mood. I still struggle sometimes because not one thing or another causes it. I don’t have a hard life by any means, it’s just something I have to deal with. Luckily, I have someone who loves me and looks to me to live.

Pic of Shelby describing her depression

Name: Dusty F.

Q. How did you overcome Depression?

A. “”Depression for me was an overwhelming feeling of not wanting to do anything to better myself, to stay sober, to rectify the past- coupled with then hating myself for not doing anything about it. A never ending cycle that prevented me from seeing my truth about the way I show up as an adult and a recovered addict alcoholic. I spent most days feeling like I was going to cry but the tears wouldn’t come out. It’s an odd thing to know your emotions are misplaced but feel them just as strong all the time.

I spent 9 years of my life in a state of depression, without the resources or knowledge to get out. I am blessed with some parents that really loved me, never giving up long after I gave up on life myself. My depression became so comfortable, the status quo, that any alternative crippled me with fear. The wonderful family I had became my enemies in a poisoned perspective.

Spending time around others doing the next right thing, growing as young men and adults, picking me up when I thought I couldn’t do it myself, saved my life. Yes, it all centered around working the 12 steps. However my experience was contingent upon having those men that I call my best friends to this day encouraging, even sometimes providing constructive criticism, living as models for me to shape myself into.”

Dusty and Depression

Reach out for help if you or someone you know is struggling with depression. Battling depression alone is nearly impossible. We are here to help.