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Anxiety is the leader in mental disorders. It’s grasp reaches far and wide. From young teenagers to old adults, anxiety knows no bounds. 

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is fear, put simply. If someone struggles with fear or worry, multiple days a week for many months, then they categorically suffer from anxiety. Anxiety shows up in our personal lives, occupational lives and social lives. Anxiety and fear can be extremely debilitating. It can stop us from attending events, talking with people and attending work. 

Symptoms of Anxiety

  • Irritability 
  • Intense Worry/Fear
  • Sweating/Shaking
  • Restlessness
  • Tenseness 
  • Difficulty Breathing
  • Difficulty Focusing
  • Lack of sleep or difficulty falling asleep 

Types of Anxiety


Phobia is an intense and unrealistic fear of something that will not cause harm. 

According to DSM-5, there are five major phobias for people:

Animal Phobia (Spiders, Cats, Dogs, Insects)

Blood-Injury Phobia (Needles, Medical Procedures, Unwarranted Medical Diagnoses, Traumatic Theoretic Medical Problems)

Situational Phobia (Specific Places, Elevators, Stairs, Closed Rooms)

Natural Environment (Heights, Large Structures, Storms, Oceans and Rivers, The Dark)

Other Phobias (Fear of entering situations that could cause harm, Fear of costumes, loud noises and large crowds)


Panic attacks

Panic attacks are unwarranted attacks of extreme fear that reach a peak quickly and leave the victim in tremendous worry. Panic attacks can happen randomly or be brought on by a specific event or worrisome situation. When you get a panic attack you will feel the following:

  • Shortness Of Breath, Choking, Inability to Focus 
  • Trembling, Shaking and Sweating
  • Heart Palpitations or Quick Heartbeats 
  • The Feeling of Impending Doom or Death
  • The Feeling of Complete Loss of Control

Panic attacks can feel like dying. People will obsessive avoid certain situations that are believed to cause panic attacks. This incessant worry and avoidance may cause serious life issues. 


ptsd sign from anxiety

P.T.S.D (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a common type of anxiety that is triggered by a past event that is emotionally or physically haunting. P.T.S.D can be caused by devastating events such as war, car wreck, rape, physical violence, natural disasters or general emotional traumas. 

People that suffer from P.T.S.D may have severe nightmares, thoughts or fears relating to the event causing it. They may avoid certain people and situations. P.T.S.D can be so traumatizing that public sounds, pictures or smells can cause an attack of paralyzing fear.  

Symptoms of P.T.S.D fall into a few categories as listed below:

1. Avoiding Places and Memories

People may completely avoid social interactions, public places, and anything relevant to their past trauma. They may also refuse to talk about the problems out of fear of re-living the event.

2. Intrusive Thoughts of Traumatic Events

These thoughts can seem real. They can happen randomly and cause the victim to completely re-live the situation. These intrusive thoughts can seem impossible to escape, showing up without provocation. 

3. Negative Thinking

People with P.T.S.D will sometimes have distorted views of reality. They may question others and themselves. They may find less enjoyment in activities and avoid them altogether. Feeling of shame, guilt and remorse is extremely common.

4. Outburst

People may become easily irritated or experience sudden outbursts of anger, sadness or deep confusion. Some may behave in a self destructive manner, have trouble concentrating or may be easily startled. 


O.C.D (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

O.C.D (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is an anxiety disorder described by uncontrollable thoughts, obsessive tendencies and ritualized behaviors. People with O.C.D may understand that obsessive thoughts are problematic, but it is almost impossible to break compulsive behaviors. Some of the time, the behavior becomes so compulsive, so natural, that the inflicted person doesn’t realize they have started the performance. 


When we use the word “Obsessive” in OCD, we mean the non stop thoughts, images and inclinations that cause worry. The most popularized types of obsessions in OCD include:

  • Fear Of Germs
  • Fear Of Losing Control
  • Religious Thoughts 
  • Symmetry 
  • Superstitions 


Compulsive in OCD is the act of doing something with irresistible urge. Most inflicted with OCD, do these things so frequently they become natural behaviors. The most popularized compulsive behaviors are below:

  • Constantly cleaning
  • Needing things to be even, arranged and perfected
  • Counting, tapping or repeating certain words
  • Repeating Activities (to make sure its done and in an orderly number. Example: doing it 5 times is best because 5 is a good number)
  • Asking, telling and looking for reassurance from other people. 

If you or someone you know is struggling with anxiety or depression, please reach out to us below. We are here to help.