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Frequently Asked Questions

Our goal is to answer every question that you have regarding sober living and addiction. Whether you are someone interested in living with us, or a parent. We will help you understand the truth. 

Must Know

What is Addiction?

Addiction is a complicated thing that affects millions of people annually. To learn more about addiction, click on the link below.

What is addiction?

What is Sober Living?

Sober living is our specialty. Click the link below for a full explanation. 

What is sober living?

Potential Residents

What's it like living there?

Living at Real Deal is amazing for all of our residents. We have fully furnished homes with managers, and many amenities included. Learn more below.

What’s it like living there?

What is the schedule like in sober living?

The schedule is very simple in our program, but it is different for residents based on their time with us. All residents attend meditation, accountability groups, support groups, and employment. Learn more below.

What is the schedule like in sober living?


How long should I stay in sober living?

The most basic answer is a year. However, it differs greatly from person to person. 

How long should I stay in sober living?

Do we allow a phone and car immediately?

Of course! Learn more below.

Do we allow a phone and car immediately?

What's the difference between going home and sober living?

There is a vast difference between going home and sober living. Most importantly, the level of support is extremely different. Instead of living alone, or with family members, you will be surrounding by staff in recovery (And other recovering residents) who will guide you towards long-term freedom from addiction. 

What’s the difference between going home and going to sober living?

Where do residents work?

Our residents work at a variety of different places. Some residents have jobs coming into sober living, while others need assistance. Both scenarios are easy to work with. 

Where do residents work?

What are the benefits?

The benefits of sober living go beyond the fully furnished housing, included amenities, in house staff, and accountability. Click below to see all the great benefits. 

What are the benefits?

What's the cost?

We have three different costs. Our signature program is $1,700 a month, our classic + program is $1,100, and our classic program is $900.

What’s the cost? 

What are the requirements for entering?

The requirements are simple: apply online. That’s it. After the application is submitted, we will review it and let you know if you are approved.

What are the requirements?

Are pets allowed?

Of course. We are a pet-friendly sober living.

Do we accept insurance?

Our sober living homes do not accept insurance. It is federally impossible to accept insurance for any sober living services. 

Do we accept insurance?


Can I get a scholarship?

Yes you can. We reserve beds for scholarship residents at each house. You can reach out for availability. 

How can I get a scholarship? 

Are we 12 step-based?

Yes. However, we do not limit residents to only the 12 steps. Many of our residents have found success with NA, AA, and Smart Recovery. As long as residents are consistently attending a support group, we are gravy.

Are we 12 step-based?

For Families

How to know if I'm enabling?

Enabling is a difficult to pin-point. However, there are a few tell-tale signs. Click below to learn them.

How do I know if I’m enabling?


Will I be able to visit?

Of course! Recovery is a family process, and everyone is included.

How do I know if my loved one is doing okay?

Bi-monthly updates are available upon request.

What are the success rates for recovery?

Generally, they are not good. At Real Deal, we have found extreme success in our proactive and productive approach to full-scale recovery. 

What are the success rates for recovery?

What if my loved one relapses?

Unfortunately, relapse is common in any recovery program. However, just because someone relapses does not mean they are unable to find long-term recovery. We take care of all of our residents from beginning to end. Sometimes that includes a relapse. 

What if my loved one relapses?