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Morphine Addiction

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Morphine can be an aid in medical treatment, as well as a nightmare. While morphine has shown to be very efficient when it comes to pain management, its abuse can also be very dangerous.

According to statistics, morphine deaths have increased by 1,886% in the past 23 years, especially among elder folk. The young are also highly affected, particularly when an addiction settles in. Morphine addiction should be addressed as soon as possible.

What is Morphine?

Morphine is an opioid that is frequently used in hospitals for treating severe and moderate pain. Morphine comes in two types: the short-acting type that is taken when needed, and the extended-release form that is taken for around-the-clock pain management. Morphine is a prescribed drug, so it cannot be obtained over the counter at a drug store.

Morphine works with the brain, affecting your pain receptors and changing the way you respond to pain. This makes morphine quite effective in post-op situations or when treating cancer patients.

The drug is usually injected, and the dosage is selected based on the weight of the individual, preventing an overdose this way.

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Why Is Morphine So Addictive?

Like all opioids, morphine has the potential of leading to an addiction. When morphine is misused, the body may respond negatively to it, either worsening your addiction or paving the way towards a morphine overdose.

Morphine acts like any other opioid. It travels through the blood and attaches itself to the pain receptors, causing your feelings of pain to go down and the feeling of pleasure to go up. In other words, it tricks your brain into thinking that you are feeling good – euphoric even.

With time, your brain gets used to the feeling. Your body may no longer be in any physical pain, but your brain will crave that boost of pleasure that morphine gave it. This very often leads to a morphine addiction.

How Morphine Makes You Feel

Morphine is typically used to reduce the suffering of those going through chronic pain. Whether a morphine addiction is present or not, people under the influence of morphine will go through the following symptoms:

  • Pain relief
  • Euphoria
  • Unusual drowsiness or sleepiness
  • An unusual or false sense of wellbeing
  • Reduced anxiety
  • A calm and relaxed feeling

Morphine is legal when it’s prescribed, although it is heavily regulated. Morphine possession without a prescription is illegal, and its consumption under these circumstances is considered abuse.

Taking morphine without the supervision of a doctor can put you at risk of not only addiction but also morphine overdose.

Vile of Morphine

How To Know You Need Help

Morphine addiction can install itself within just a couple of uses. Here are some signs that you have become addicted and that you need help:

  • You have developed a tolerance and you need to use more morphine to obtain the same effect
  • You have attempted to quit your morphine use before, but without any success
  • You use morphine just so you don’t go into withdrawal
  • You no longer make time or want to spend time with your friends and family, as morphine consumption is your priority
  • You know that your addiction to morphine is negatively affecting your life, but you can’t seem to be able to stop
  • You spend most of your time either preparing or abusing morphine. When you aren’t looking to obtain the morphine, you are under its influence

Within 12 hours of your last dose of morphine, you will begin to feel the signs of withdrawal. Detoxing takes around 7-10 days, but recovery to kick the habit can take longer.

Short-Term Effects

In the short term, morphine addiction can have a series of symptoms – most of them noticeable once the patient begins to go through withdrawal. The short-term physical effects include the following:

  • Dilated pupils
  • Nausea
  • Sleepiness and an overall feeling of lethargy
  • Slowed breathing
  • Chills and excessive sweating

Certain behavioral changes may also be associated with morphine addiction. This includes withdrawal from social circles, irritability, neglecting your daily responsibilities, as well as sudden lying.

These side effects will very often pass once the person has completed morphine withdrawal.

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Long-Term Effects

Morphine withdrawal can also affect addicts in the long term – even after they have completed the detox process.

In most cases, it can lead to frequent constipation, cravings, body tremors, kidney issues, and erratic sleep cycles. Depending on the person, long-term side effects of morphine abuse may also include depression.

Treating Morphine Addiction

Morphine addiction is tricky to treat, but that doesn’t make it impossible to recover from. This recovery process might take a slightly longer time, as the cravings might linger for a long time – especially after prolonged abuse.

At first, detox will be necessary, in order to get the morphine out of your system. Depending on the severity of the addiction, the therapist may recommend either inpatient or outpatient therapy. Inpatient therapy is more recommended for patients who either cannot control their cravings or need close medical supervision because of the side effects.

Medical detox is often used in these circumstances, not only to prevent any severe reactions but also to ensure the withdrawal occurs as comfortably as possible. In the long term, group or individual therapy may also be provided, to prevent a morphine relapse.

How Real Deal Can Help

Real Deal can help you recover from your addiction in a manner that is as comfortable as possible. Withdrawing from morphine can have a series of side effects, and our medical detox can help flush the morphine out of your body with fewer symptoms.

We have a variety of treatment methods that you may take advantage of here. You may go for inpatient or outpatient therapy mixed with medical treatments, and our counselors will help you in the long term as well. This will help keep you grounded and prevent you from slipping into relapse.

Keep in mind that morphine addiction can be very dangerous, so contact Real Deal before it becomes a life-threatening problem!

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